留学生 International Students


Satigui Sidibe


Enrollment Year


Educational Background

-2012~2014 Bacher in linguistics, as teacher of English language, University of Bamako.

-2020~2022 Master in International Relations, Renmin University of China.

Research Interests

Mali post crisis sustainable development goals and challenges.

Research Work

As Malian authorities are endeavoring to terminate the cycle of terrorism and restore the stability all over country, it is compulsory to plan for a post crisis sustainable development strategy in order to wipe out that bad souvenir from the mind of the population, and ensure that no such scourge occurs or menaces its well-being. So, that research aims at identifying some appropriate development initiatives, evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, regarding the system of governance; and possibly suggest a new political economy which can meet the country expectancy. To meet that end, around 450 or more online surveys and from 20 to 30 interviews will be conducted among the population from different social, political, religious and professional background. Moreover, I will be interested to the rural development initiation and management, climate change and environmental issues, energetic cooperation etc.

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