留学生 International Students


Taddisu Aberaha Kahsay


Enrollment Year


Educational Background

2011-2013 Master of Arts (MA) in International Relations, Addis Ababa University.

2004-2007 Bachelor of Arts (BA) Degree in Political Science and International Relations, Addis Ababa University.


MSF Speaking out, Humanitarian Principles and the War in the Former Yugoslavia, Disaster Ready.Org, December 25, 2023.

TOT for Top managers for 21 days, Ministry of Commerce and the Chinese Academy of Governance, Beijing, April 2018.

Training on Management Consultancy Skills Ethiopia Management Institute, December 2019.

Relevance, Quality Assurance and Enhancement, Ethiopia Management Institute, June 2017.

Results-Based Management, Value for Money and Social Science Research, UNFPA and MoWCYA, April 2015.

Leadership for Result Program on Climate Change, Ethiopian Environmental Authority, African Adaptation, UNDP-Ethiopia, October-February 2013/14.

Research Interests

The focus of my PhD research will be on the geopolitics of political economy, which typically requires an interdisciplinary approach and a broad perspective. To address this, it's crucial to incorporate politics, economics, geography, and ecology. With these considerations, I have tentatively proposed a research title: "The Impact of Geostrategic Competition on Political Economy: Comparative Case Studies in the Horn of Africa," combining these four fields and rooted in the region's realpolitik and evolving dynamics.

Research Work

Broadly speaking, my research interests include areas such as political economy, migration, political discourse, leadership, and conflict resolution and management. However, as I move on in my PhD studies, I intend to focus my research on political economy, specifically exploring how geopolitical dynamics shape the Horn of Africa. This analysis will investigate into the strategic influence of global superpowers, particularly the United States and China, as well as the roles played by other anchor regional states. The goal is to understand how these powers impact the region’s political and economic landscape.


Taddisu, A (?). Youth Disengagement and Its Impact (On the Way to Publish on Academic Journal Article).

Taddisu, A (2019). Travel Story Essay:“Worth Emulating Lessons from China” on The Ethiopian Herald, Vol. LXXV, No.150, 3 March 2019, Pp.5.

Taddisu, A (2019) Ethiopian Youth Emigrants to Gulf Countries and Human Rights Violations, Ethiopian Civil Service University Annual Proceeding, Page 485-500.

Taddisu, A (2017). International Migration and Human Rights Violations (ISBN: 978-620-2-08048-4, 2017, Lambert Academic Publishing.

Taddisu, A (2014). Ethiopian Youth Emigration and its Negative Impact on National Development, Ministry of Women, Children and Youth Affairs.

Research Work

Taddisu, A (2020). The Interface between Democracy and Development in Tigrai: Evidence from a Democratic Developmental State Perspective, Tigray Meles Zenawi Leadership Academy.

Taddisu, A and Girma, A, (2018). Women and Youth League Training Outcome Research: In the Case of Addis Ababa City Administration, Addis Ababa Meles Zenawi Leadership Academy.

Taddisu, A and Norahun, A (2016). Leadership Training Needs Assessment Research in the Case of Addis Ababa City Administration, Addis Ababa Meles Zenawi Leadership Academy.

Taddisu, A et al. (2014). Action Research for National Women and Youth Policies Revision, Ministry of Women, Children and Youth Affairs.

Taddisu, A (2013). The Paradox of Ethiopian Youth Emigration to Gulf Countries: Human Rights Violations, MA thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Prepared Training Modules

Taddisu, A (2019). Historical Evolution of Developmental State Module for Top Political Leaders and Managers, Addis Ababa Meles Zenawi Leadership Academy.

Taddisu, A (2018). Leadership and Decision-Making Module for Political Leaders, Addis Ababa Meles Zenawi Leadership Academy.

Email Address
