留学生 International Students


Njoloma Chimwemwe


Enrollment Year


Educational Background

2017-2022 Bachelors of Arts in Mass Communication

Research Interests

The impact of Foreign Aid in support of Disaster Risk Management in Malawi.

Research Work

Malawi has for the past decades been experiencing catastrophic disasters that have greatly affected the economy of the country impacting on people's livelihoods. Due to climate change, urbanization, poor agricultural practices, the country is experiencing intense climatic shocks that include flooding and food insecurity. On record, cyclones have become order of the day, year in year out and the country's had been facing challenges to respond to such. This has left the country with no choice but to declare state of disasters each year disasters occur calling upon donor partners, countries, well wishers to assist the management of disasters. Very notable that foreign aid has been consistently been pumped in Malawi yet management of disasters risks is still at stall. I am interested in assessing the impact of foreign aid in the fight against climate change effects in relation to disaster risk management.


Article publications

Malawi: CSOs Demand Funding Loss and Damage Due Emissions


Malawi Makes Progress in HIV and Aids Fight - Chakwera


Email Address
