留学生 International Students


Sankoh John Albert


Enrollment Year


Educational Background

2012-2016 Bachelor of Social Science in Economics with Honours

Research Interests

Financing for International Development (Sustainable Development), Economic Advancement and International Cooperation.

Financing for International Development: An assessment into the impact of Multinationals Corporations- MNCs, on Developing Countries (Thesis title)

Research Work

There has always been a divide into the debate about the effect of Multinationals Corporations on the development of developing countries. There are both positives and negatives impact and often scholars have taken one side or the other and tried to ascertain which one outweighs the other. My study will carefully look at how MNCs has affect economic growth and transformation in developing countries and also assess the lapses it has showed and created over the years in developing countries. Will then put forward recommendations on best practices and tools MNCs could use to effect economic advancement in these developing countries. How they can cooperate with developing countries at an international level to help meets their economic goals.

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